A free Christian Live Wallpaper. A cross live wallpaper with shapes that cycle through the rainbow and explode behind the centered cross. The settings periodically change to create varied effects. Be reminded of Jesus, Love, and God throughout your day.
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The upgrade is intended to allow the user to adjust the speed, clouds, background color, and modes to suit your preference. You should be able to adjust the settings of the LWP to closely resemble the original app by checking the “Whirl” mode only.
General directions for use:
-After downloading, press and hold empty space on a home screen
-Select Wallpaper/Live Wallpaper
-Choose "ColorCross Free"
-Press Settings/Edit to access the menu
-After selections, hit Back and apply
-Press the Home button if needed
Directions vary by device.
</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">免费基督教动态壁纸。交叉动态壁纸与形状循环彩虹和爆炸中心的十字后面。设置定期更换,以营造不同的效果。在整个的一天提醒耶稣的爱,神的。
- 选择墙纸/动态壁纸
- 选择“ColorCross免费”
- 按设置/编辑进入菜单
如果需要的话 - 按Home键
方向取决于设备。</div> <div class="show-more-end">